What is the purpose of setting a particle module's min value greater than its max?

This is a potentially silly question which may show how little I know. Ever since I’ve been researching and recreating the particle effects contained within UE4, I’ve noticed a lot of the particle modules will have min values greater than their max. Why is that?

For example: an initial size module with a max of 150, 0 0 and a min of 170, 0, 0

I’ve done some experimenting with it, and don’t really see a difference.

Hi VFX -

This is an artifact of the creation process. The Effects Artist were playing around with the exact size / sizes that they wanted and ended up with what is essentially a Constant (in your example 170.0), but neglected to go back and reset the module to Constant from the default Uniform setting. So, you are right there is no difference, it is just a matter of clean-up in the actual Cascade system.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Eric, thanks so much for your reply. That’s good to know! Now I can sleep a little easier at night :stuck_out_tongue: