Randomly generated floor spawns 2 overlapping floor

Hey everyone,

I`m having some problems with spawning a randomly generated floor for a side scrolling endless runner. I set the blueprint up to have 2 different versions of the floor ( one plain, one with an obstacle spawning randomly). I noticed that every couple of floors, the game spawns 2 copies overlapping each other. I tried changing the collision handling override on the spawn actor node, but it either does the same thing or stops spawning my floor. I attached a screenshot of the setup i used.

Thanks for the help

hey mamoniem,

Here is what i have that has anything to do with the floor tile, hopefully this helps. i followed an unreal tutorial for the spawning the course part.

Can you show the for loop where you call the “AddFloorTile” ?


I just tried it, I put ignore collision and then i tried the default setting, but the floors still overlap

I would say here, don’t use “try adjust location” as you seems that you are certain about the position of spawning, so just make it ignore the collision:



can you upload the project, as you mentioned it is a test for tutorial? or it is full commercial project ?
