How to make puddle water transparent?

I am new to material designing.i am using unreal engine 4(version 4.9.2). I want to make puddle water and after watching some tutorial i came up with this…

Now i want to make it transparent like this one…
Tutorial: Water Dripping Shader & VFX in Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - YouTube

Any help would be appreciated…
Thank You…

Good day.
To get a good puddle, you are on the right track.

  • For Albedo,just darken it for puddle.
    lerp between original albedo texture,
    and the same texture, multiplied by
    something like 0.5 based on your
    vertex color

  • For Roughness, reduce it for puddle.
    Lerp it between original roughness
    and 0.01 based on your vertex color

  • For Metallic, leave it at zero.

  • For Specular, either increase it for
    puddle, or leave it untouched.

  • For Normal, flatten it. Lerp between
    original normal and (0,0,1) based on
    your vertex color

You are mostly doing it all already, but the key part is probably darkening albedo instead of tinting it blue.

Finally, linking you best guide for PBR wet surfaces.

Please, upvote my answer and mark the question as resolved, if that fully covers your issue.

Thank you for your reply but as i said i am new in creating material so for me its a bit difficult to catch what you are asking me to do.
In your first point i am not getting what you mean by ‘lerp between original albedo texture, and the same texture’. Do i need to multiply the base color with 0.5 and then lerp it between the base color and the tile textures…

Also i am not understanding what is the original roughness.
So i left the metallic value at 0.
Remove the Specular.

Again how to flatten it!!! what is the original normal… :expressionless: also isn’t that is what i am doing lerping between the normal texture and (0,0,1)!!!

well man I would advice you rather suggest you pal that you take up a few vids about how textures work and what each of nodes of material means and try them out one by one . I would have liked to help you out by sending you few example screenshots myself but, my laptop has crashed and my hard drive issue won’t be resolved until Tuesday.

This picture should clear it up.

This is really cool deathrey.

Thank you guys for your time and your help.I really appreciate it. As Gupta says it is really cool and this is exactly what i was looking for…i think i am gonna work with it and sorry for late reply.