How do I create a Rotating Gradient material?

I’m partially rendering a texture using VectorToRadialValue to generate a gradient effect for an opacity mask based on a 0-1 percentage value. What I need is to rotate the mask 90 degrees to achieve my desired effect of a clock-wipe (where 0 is at the top and it fills in clockwise). I have attempted many solutions without success and can only seem to flip my mask about the axes. Would anyone be kind enough to explain how to achieve this effect efficiently (without importing rotated assets and rendering a rotated material during runtime)?

Current material:

Desired mask effect:

I believe you want the Rotator or CustomRotator node.

Try attaching the TexCoord node’s output to a Ratoator. Then connect Rotator’s output to the Add node

Thank you, mindfane! I had experimented with the customrotator everywhere but directly after the TextCoord node. Thanks for helping me understand.