Changing Particle Instance parameter in blueprint does nothing

I did it like in the documentation: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums Then tried to change it through blueprint with set instance parameters. I can see that the variables are changed with get instance parameters but they have no effect on the particle system.

Hi Davision,

I’ve followed the tutorial and can confirm that nothing is broken in 4.13.1. I was able to successfully set instance parameters via Blueprint.

A likely error is that you have a typo when referencing the Instance parameter name in Blueprint. Just be sure that you go over the particle system and blueprint carefully. If by chance you are sure that you are not making a mistake anywhere please post a screenshot of the blueprint graph and the module that contains the instanced parameter in cascade.

P.S. If you are changing particle color make sure that the material that the particle is using has the Particle Color node being used for the emissive color.