VERY NOOB QUESTION - How do I use imported blender animations?

Today I made a very bad chest(just a placeholder for my future real model) and it’s separated in 3 parts. The “body”, joint* and cover*. The animated part is the cover, wich has 2 animations: the opening and closing. (Dont be scared by the horrible model, im bad at modeling).
I just dont know how to make the animation, etc, because all the tutorials i find are using skeletons and this is just a object rotating.

Hello, If you want stuff to move around without skeletal meshes you can with timelines in blueprint. Import your chest and lid as seperate meshes and put them together in a blueprint. Make sure origin point for lid is where the “hinge” would be so it pivots at the edge not the middle. Then follow Zak Parrish’s tutorial on moving door in unreal engines massive tutorial playlist. Instead of moving the door, you will want rotate.

This answer makes no sense, because I don’t have any bones…