Attaching current player character to another type of character, hiding, moving, then unattaching and re-possesing issues

It would seem to me like this is something common, but i cant seem to find the answer. I’ve searched attach actor to actor, attach actor to vehicle, change actors, and any other variation i can think of. What i am trying to do is have my current player (humanoid, with its own gamemode) attach itself to another actor, (vehicle with its own gamemode and added socket) hide itself, attach itself to socket named attach on vehicle, possess the vehicle. then on a set keypress detach get re-possed and leave the vehicle in that location. the closest I have come is to possess the car but even that has been lost after some changes. here is my current non-working setup. also cannot seem to find the right object as a reference in the exit portion.


ok, so i moved the scripts to where you suggested, and i understand why. now in my hero blueprint i have object reference errors, and in my sedan blueprint I’m using no object references yet, and I receive no errors?? and i am unable to use my “input action interact” node. its uses “E”, and is setup project settings in inputs. Sorry, just having an issue wrapping my head around this casting issue.

You should not do this in level blueprint because later you will have trouble moving it to other levels. Actor code should be in actor’s class blueprint so it will work anywhere. Entrance code should be in Pawn (not PlayerController, because later you might have trouble placing other non-player pawns in there) and exit code in Car so they have move possesion to diffrent object, car should keep in track which pawn is in the car, same as PlayerController keeps in track which pawn it posseses.

If you plan to make more cars you should make a base class for all cars too same goes with pawn i think