EQSQuery Generator: Generate Items From Context

Hello there!

Two days ago i start to work in a little AI system, that involves select one item from the provided from a EQSContext.

All the generators that UE4 have are for return locations as items, except the ActorsOfClass Generator, that return actors of class in a specific radius from a specific context, but what about generate items from a context for filter and score it in the tests? im not sure how to explain it to you, im talking about a new generator for EQSQuery system, that convert in items the actors provided by a context, and use that items for the tests inside the generator.

In case that my suggest dont work, how i can achieve that? specifically my goal is score the distance between my querier and my context actors, but returning the actor of the context closer to my querier, as plus, i need to say that ActorsOfClass generator are not the best option for me, my context return the actors percieved by the AIPerceptionComponent in my AIController, i dont need the actors that are not percieved by the AIPerceptionComponent, the ActorsOfClass Return all in the radius and that is a waste of tests

Thanks in advance!

Whitman and Olbert.

I would suggest you use GetQuerier inside your custom Generator that would then do a cast to of your type to then retrieve the list of perceived actors.

I am having an issue with AddGeneratedActor on android currently. 13.1 it seems to bring the system down.
Works fine on PC. I am switching that logic to use the AddGeneratedVector which seems to work, fyi.