How do I create a teleport on hit in Blueprints?

I want to have a item to touch an actor and teleport the actor to my target point I made. Kind of like a enemy hits you
and killed you forcing you to go back to set location. Please help if you can.

easy to do just put a trigger volume on the actor you want to be the ITEM then on OVERLAP of that trigger come out to TELEPORT node put the overlapping actor as actor to teleport which should be your player and then use make vector to set the location on the input to the teleport.

I try your way but it shoots my out of the level not at it target point. I m not shore what I’m doing wrong. please help.

Ok heres a example teleport/portal. So for what I was playing around with I created two parts just to keep it simple.

You don’t need to make the exit portal you can just use a player start. But doing it this way you can have more control in the future needs and uses for it.

ok so are you can see the exit portal has just 2 components and is very simple the arrow component is so you know which way it is facing and then the capsule is the same size as the player capsule so you know how he should be coming out.

next the portal part

ok so you have only one variable needed for this simple part and that is the OUTPUTPORTAL which needs to be set to the class or blueprint type that you are going to use as a exit. Then its all the wiring and some checks. Stuff on the far right is for a more complex system which would let you change what happens to the player when he exits as well as FX and such. You will of course change Cast To OTCharacter to the character class/blueprint you want to port.