Light Vector still unavailable while using Forward Shading (Materials)

Very tentatively posting this as a bug report because maybe I’m misunderstanding something.

The point of using forward shading is that you have a light vector available to you whereas in deferred shading you do not because it happens in post. Correct?

My understanding is that with forward shading we should now have access to this light vector, however that isn’t the case.

The same issue persists while using forward rendering path. Is there an equivelant that we should be using for forward rendering?

Error [SM5] (Node LightVector) LightVector can only be used in LightFunction or DeferredDecal materials

But then how do I access the light direction?

Hi Vaei,

Currently forward shading is still in experimental. 4.13 had the initial implementation and 4.14 will have more, but it will still need a lot of work to get things supported.

At this time I would not recommend working with forward rendering until it has been announced and is in a more suitable state.


Hey Tim!

Is there a way to access this now the forward renderer is a bit more flushed out?

I’m forever hoping for this too. Doesn’t seem like it, though.

@Tim Hobson, Is there some place we can see the status of forward rendering? I really need access to the light vector to make a shading model for my game work.

Sadly their new roadmap has been a huge step back in terms of transparency, we can’t see anything they’re working on until it’s about ready. Going with deferred rendering is probably one of the biggest earliest mistakes they made, offers no real world benefits and you lose so much - much more than just a light vector.