Thread exit spam in console output


I’m working on a big project using UE4 (stellar overload), and I’m just wondering why the Visual Studio’s output is spammed by thread exit message while the project is running. For example:

The thread 0x63ac has exited with code 1 (0x1).
The thread 0x3cf4 has exited with code 1 (0x1).
The thread 0x47ac has exited with code 1 (0x1).
The thread 0x5640 has exited with code 1 (0x1).
The thread 0x87a0 has exited with code 1 (0x1).
The thread 0x7d48 has exited with code 1 (0x1).
The thread 0x5940 has exited with code 1 (0x1).

Each log come by packets: exactly 4 messages each 2/3 seconds.

This spam occurs during game play, but also in the editor itself (before launching the game).

I tried to randomly to pause the execution, but I’m not able to define precisely what is going on. I suspect the “compile shader” thread, but not sure at all.

Any idea/track/trick is welcome. Thank you.

And sorry for my bad english :slight_smile:


I realize that I provided very few details about my trouble.
So here is some more details, in case it sounds you something:

UE version: 4.12.5-0

Visual Studio Community 2015

Active UE Plugins:

  • WWize UE4 Integration
  • Matinee to Level Sequence
  • Media Player Editor
  • ArchVis Character
  • Character AI
  • Android Media Player
  • AVF Media Player
  • WMF Media Player
  • UDP Messaging
  • Experimental HTML5 Networking Plugin
  • Mac Graphics Switching
  • Slate Remote
  • Android Movie Player
  • Window Movie Player
  • Code View
  • CodeLite Integration
  • KDevelop Integration
  • Linux Compiler-only Integration
  • Visual Studio Integration
  • XCode Integration
  • Cable Component
  • Custom Mesh Component
  • LightPropagationVolumle
  • Procedural Mesh Component
  • Git
  • Subversion
  • Web Browser

Our project aims to run on Windows, Mac and Linux, but 99.9% of the development is made on Windows.

Check out Process Monitor from Sysinternals. This tool is capable of monitoring all thread creation and exiting while you are debugging.
Process Monitor can give you the stack and used modules, which could help you finding your problem about identifying your threads.

Thank you mcmatze.

So, using Process Monitor, it appears that these Threads are spammed by msvsmon.exe, witch is the remote debugger of visual studio.
So I don’t know, maybe it’s a normal behaviour?

When I debug my project, I do not get any threads exiting with errors and no spamming from the remote debugger (only at closing around 15 exiting threads). And the threads showed in the output of VS are from “UE4Editor.exe” (sub from remote debugger) not from the debugger itself. Here a little screeny (filtered UE4Editor.exe):