Temporal AA artefacts


I have a strange problem with temporal AA producing huge artefacts on certain backgrounds…(bearbeitet)
Its almost as if Im painting a grafitto on a wall with the player…
I made a short video to illustrate.
Notice that, while the artefacts are present on the concrete walls, the container texture remains free of artefacts.


Any ideas?

Hi KVogler,

Could you provide a screenshot of your material graph for the concrete. So that I may attempt to recreate this issue.

Just as a sanity check could you place a postprocess volume that is unbound and has AA method set to none just to verify that turning off AA solves the issue.

Also, could you also test to see if setting motion blur amount to 0 fixes the issue I’ve seen something similar to your video regarding motion blur per object size being too large and just want to be sure that isn’t related at all.


Out of curiosity, are there any bump offset/parallax/POM on these walls?

From that video, it only occurs in the shadow. At least that is how it looked to me. I’ll follow the forum thread, but I had something like that in the past. Sadly i don’t remember what I did to fix it. How are your screen-space reflections are set? Could you try turning them off?

Here is a video without TAA, for comparison.
It also shows a snapshot of the material graph.


By the way: the effect also occurs without TAA enabled…


Here you go:
(Also, check the TAA disabled video… link in comment above
Even with TAA disabled, it occurs)

This is actually a known issue, I’ll link the report here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-33269)

You can fix this by changing the AA method to FXAA or by not using the blend angle corrected normals node. I’ve added your Hub to the private comments and added information to the report. Thank you for your information!

for looking into this:

It is still strange though that the effect also occurs even if TAA is disabled.

Oddly enough, I was never able to tie blend angle corrected normals material function to the issue described here. I don’t even comprehend the mechanics of how it could potentially produce ghosting.