Packaging Error: Unknown Error 4.9

I’m getting this error when trying to package a Development build for Windows 64bit using version 4.9. Does this have anything to do with a plugin not working?

link text

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.Build: ********** BUILD COMMAND STARTED **********
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Build.Build: XGE was requested, but is unavailable, so we won't use it.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Build.Build: ************************* UE4Build:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Build.Build: ************************* ForceMonolithic: False
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Build.Build: ************************* ForceNonUnity:False 
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Build.Build: ************************* ForceDebugInfo: False
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Build.Build: ************************* UseXGE: False
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Build.Build: ************************* UseParallelExecutor: False
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: H:\Epic Games\4.9\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe SolarPurge2 Win64 Development -clean H:\SolarPurge_Depot_SlaveI\SolarPurge2.uproject  -nobuilduht -rocket -NoHotReloadFromIDE
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'H:\SolarPurge_Depot_SlaveI\Plugins\FMODStudio\Binaries\Win64\UE4-FMODStudioOculus.lib' is denied.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool:    at UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildTarget.CleanFile(String Filename)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool:    at UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildTarget.CleanTarget(BuildManifest Manifest)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool:    at UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildTarget.GenerateManifest()
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool:    at UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildTarget.Build(IUEToolChain TargetToolChain, List`1& OutputItems, List`1& UObjectModules, String& EULAViolationWarning)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool:    at UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.RunUBT(String[] Arguments)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 19.8991382s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationUtils.Automation: Command failed (Result:5): H:\Epic Games\4.9\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe SolarPurge2 Win64 Development -clean H:\SolarPurge_Depot_SlaveI\SolarPurge2.uproject  -nobuilduht -rocket -NoHotReloadFromIDE. See logfile for details: 'UnrealBuildTool-2016.10.06-16.57.42.txt' 
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Stacktrace:    at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog(String App, String CommandLine, String Logfile, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, String Input, ERunOptions Options, Dictionary`2 EnvVars)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunUBT(CommandEnvironment Env, String UBTExecutable, String CommandLine, String LogName, Dictionary`2 EnvVars)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.UE4Build.CleanWithUBT(String ProjectName, String TargetName, UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, String Config, String UprojectPath, Boolean ForceMonolithic, Boolean ForceNonUnity, Boolean ForceDebugInfo, String InAddArgs, Boolean ForceUnity, Dictionary`2 EnvVars)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.UE4Build.Build(BuildAgenda Agenda, Nullable`1 InDeleteBuildProducts, Boolean InUpdateVersionFiles, Boolean InForceNoXGE, Boolean InUseParallelExecutor, Boolean InForceNonUnity, Boolean InForceUnity, Boolean InShowProgress, Dictionary`2 PlatformEnvVars)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at Project.Build(BuildCommand Command, ProjectParams Params, Int32 WorkingCL)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at BuildCommand.Execute()
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List`1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary`1 Commands)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String[] CommandLine)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object )
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Action`1 Main, Object )
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):    at AutomationTool.Program.Main()
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProcessManager.KillAll: Trying to kill 0 spawned processes.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Domain_ProcessExit
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): copying UAT log files...
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Error

Hello ,

Could you provide your complete log so that I could take a closer look at any errors that you may be having?

The UAT_Log or the Cook log? Sorry I’m still new to this stuff!

You can send me the complete output log that is produced when packaging your project. I would suggest clearing the output log and packaging again. When it fails you can simply copy the entire output log and submit it here for me to take a look.

link text

I noticed that you mentioned using a plugin(s). What plugin(s) are you using? Does this packaging error still occur if you are not using them?

We’re using Substance, Fixit and FMOD Studio. Packaging with FMOD Studio runs for a bit longer… but still ends up failing. I don’t think the other two are causing issues, but I’ll try again with those disabled.

Hello ,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.


Well I ended up figuring out what was happening… the FMOD plugin folder needed to be checked out through source control. I guess the engine needed to access some of those files but they were marked as read only.