How to use Transition Maps in Seamless Travel or Server Travel

I am attempting to setup SeamlessTravel such that we have some minimum time in the Transition Level to play some fx before traveling to the final level.

I have noticed the following behavior with UWorld::SetSeamlessTravelMidpointPause

  • If this is set before calling ServerTravel it does not work as intended.
  • If this is set immediately after calling ServerTravel we get stuck on a black screen, not the transition level.
  • If this is set after calling ServerTravel but before loading the transition level, it seems to behave correctly.

(the pickiness of timing makes using this to achieve my goal quite shaky…)

Now onto transition levels, once we are in the transition level i would like to set the pause back to FALSE.
but I noticed that.

  • The level blueprints begin play never gets called
  • The gamemodes begin play never gets called

(So how can we even unpause?!?!)

Can anyone can chime in on how to use the function properly? Or any other ideas on how to use transition maps?
