Android build failed unkown error

I have tried all kind of different settings and have looked at all google results for this error but none seem to work.
I have the default 2D sidescroller map and im trying to get it to work on my note 3 but every time i try to launch it i get an unknown error.

LogPlayLevel: UEDeployAndroid.UpdateGameActivity:
LogPlayLevel: ==== Writing new file to D:\unreal engine 4\projects\androidgame1\Intermediate/Android/APK\src\com\epicgames\ue4\ ====
LogPlayLevel: UEDeployAndroid.MakeApk:
LogPlayLevel: Copying new .so D:\unreal engine 4\Epic Games\4.13\Engine\Binaries\Android\ file to jni folder...
LogPlayLevel: UEDeployAndroid.RunCommandLineProgramWithException: Preparing native code for debugging...
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: ERROR: D:/unreal engine 4/NVPACK/android-ndk-r12b/ndk-build.cmd failed with args APP_ABI="armeabi-v7a " NDK_DEBUG=1
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Deploy Task, Time: 30.783510
PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Unknown Error

I fixed my issue by moving the NVIDIA and NVPACK to the root of my drive, the folders i installed it to had spaces in the names. It’s that simple if you have this issue