UMG Visibility does not restore correctly for multiple UMG widgets

Hi guys

Problem occurs when there are multiple UMG widgets being hidden and then shown again. Visibility is restored for all widgets, however, the Hit Test visibility is restored only for the last UMG widget in the sequence.

Steps to reproduce the bug
To replicate, see attached an example project. You can use both UMG elements when the level is loaded. Press “E” to toggle “Visible” property. After this, only the last UMG widget will function.

[See this Empty Project that demonstrated the bug][3]

Please download the UE4 project (attached) to see this behavior. Use the UMG sliders before and after pressing “E”


A video that shows the behavior

Hello ,

After taking a look at the blueprints provided and watching the video, it appears that this is working as intended. When the whole widget is set to visible this includes the canvas panel. This means that the canvas panel can now interact with the mouse click events (blocking the mouse in this case). I would suggest reading over the tool tips for the different visibility to try and find another setting that works for your use case. You may also want to consider setting the visibility of the individual children of the widget rather than the whole widget. I hope that this information helps.

Make it a great day