Improving compilation speed in Linux?

Once CCache support gets added to the engine that’s going to help immensely. Other than that are there any means of improving compilation speeds on Linux currently?

I tried a few of the options here, but that none of them really seemed to improve compile times. Is there anyway to compile the intermediate files in ram, like Clang can do with the -pipe flag?

Have you tried this CodeLite and the Game Target for faster startups of UE4 projects - YouTube ?
After doing it one time and some new Components or Actors are spawned in the map I just run /[path/to]/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor '$(WorkspacePath)$(ProjectName).uproject' -run=cook -targetplatform=LinuxNoEditor -iterate

If someone can get distcc to work, that is probably the single best thing that can speed up the compilation.