PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Cook Failure

I am trying to cook an project for IOS, everything seems to be working fine. I have all the IOS devoloper stuff set up but whean i try to cook the project i get this error PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Cook Failure.

Here is some of the errors = LogBlueprint:Error: [Compiler MainMenu] Error This blueprint (self) is not a PlayerController, therefore ’ self ’ must have a connection.
LogBlueprint:Error: [Compiler MainMenu] Error Variable node K2Node_VariableSet_0 uses an invalid target. It may depend on a node that is not connected to the execution chain, and got purged.
BlueprintEditorCompileResults:Error: Error This blueprint (self) is not a PlayerController, therefore ’ self ’ must have a connection.
BlueprintEditorCompileResults:Error: Error Variable node K2Node_VariableSet_0 uses an invalid target. It may depend on a node that is not connected to the execution chain, and got purged.

and btw its a 100% blueprint based project.

Help would be appriciated!

Hi SimOnGS

Please cut and paste the entire contents of the output log into a text file and post as an attachment.



Hi Sim0GS,

Since we have not heard back from you in a while, we are marking this post “resolved” for tracking purposes. However, if you experiencing packaging errors please respond and post the entire requested log as a text file and we will continue to investigate.



Look for:

The ’ Seconds * FrameRate ’ function requires more parameters than were provided

There’s a daisy chained sequence of errors and debugging is very difficult with no reference info. I’m aware there’s a lot to fix in the build but first the critical errors need to be fixed before warnings.

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