How do you make ANY mesh object be affected by a physics altering object?

I’m trying to make a bouncepad or antigravity lift field that will affect not just the main character but AI and other objects affected by physics.

It currently works on the actor, but not on anything else. I thought I could tag the objects I want to be affected and tell the bouncepad in blueprints to affect any object that collides with it and has the proper tag.

Is there an easier way to do this?

Attached is my current working blueprint for the bouncepad.

Hello ThetaSigma7,

If you wish for this bouncepad to affect more than just your character, you won’t be able to use the Launch Character node as it’s only made for Characters, since it directly interacts with the CharacterMovementComponent to make the bounce happen.

The implementation would depend on what kind of bouncepad you want, whether you want it to be precise and do the same impulse each time or if you would like it to be different based off what direction the object is coming from.

For an exact one, one possible implementation is to have the actors themselves do the impulse instead. AddImpulse is a blueprint node that can be used for this but requires a reference to something that inherits from UPrimitiveComponent or a CharacterMovementComponent. Since we’re using generic actors, CharacterMovementComponent is out of the question but Static Meshes inherit from UPrimitiveComponent. Since this means that we’ll need a reference to each actor’s mesh, doing this logic from inside of the bouncepad’s class seems messy, as we would have to cast to each one of the possible classes that could be affected by it.

Instead, we’ll use the Event BeginActorOverlap event in the possibly affected actors and then cast to the bouncepad class to ensure that we’re overlapping that particular object. If that’s true, use AddImpulse with the mesh as the target to send the object flying. I would suggest continuing to use the CharacterMovementComponent version of AddImpulse for your characters however.

If you’d like a little randomness, you could always get some random numbers for the impulse values. Hope this helps!

Thanks ! Helps a ton!