Level not loading from Start Menu

Hello everyone!

I cannot seem to get a level to load from a Main Menu I’ve created. I’ve attached screenshots of what I have wired up through blueprints and a short snippet of the output log when I launch the game. I’ve tried changing the level name with absolute turned on/off, set both the default and game maps under the project settings, and packaged my game and nothing gets the main menu to be removed and the level to load. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

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There are a couple of things I would try in a situation like this hopefully one of them will help guide you toward the answer.
Have you tried loading level via the open level console command?
Have you tried excluding the "/game/maps/"segment from your url?
Have you tried a different map name? Generic names like “start” or specifically in my case “entry” can be confused by unreal for engine default assets.

I have tried with and without /game/maps and checking/unchecking absolute (it isn’t very descriptive but I assumed it meant absolute path vs. relative). I will lookup the console command for loading a level as well as changing the name.

Okay so I added a new default level and pressed play. Once in that level I opened the console window “~” and typed “open NewMap01” (I changed the map name from start to NewMap01) and it loaded properly. I then launched it and when I pressed the “Start” button of my widget it didn’t do anything again. The output log has the same line everytime:
LogGameMode:Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStartLogGameMode:Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress

Hey aggie0222 and Spiris

One thing to keep in mind is when you are using the Launch on option is that by default it only cooks the currently open level in the editor. So the issue you’re running into is the second level has not been cooked, and the game can’t load it.

Your current setup will work with Play in Standalone (runs an uncooked -game session), but if you need to test with cooked content, then there are a couple ways you can resolve this.

In Project Preference > Project > Packaging > Packaging, there is the option “List of maps to include in a package build”. Here you’ll add an array element for each map you wish to always cook.

The second option is to modify your DefaultEditor.ini (ProjectName/Config/)

Be mindful of what you add to either of these options, as you can end up leaving test maps, or extra maps you don’t wish to include when you go to ship your game/project.

The messaging in the log could certainly be better for this, I’ll add in a Bug for this tomorrow.

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