Morph Targets do not work as destination for Bone Driven Controller

  • Import a skeletal mesh with at least one morph target and one animation.
  • Create an Animation Blueprint for the above skeletal mesh.
  • In the Anim Graph, create a Bone Driven Controller node and link it to the output of State Machine and the input of the Final Animation Pose. Local to Component and component to local nodes will be added automatically.
  • In the Bone Driven Controller: Set Source bone to any bone with animation
  • Set Source Component to one that is animated
  • Check Remap Source and set the source range to appropriate values.
  • Set Morph Target as Destination Mode and enter the morph target name in Parameter Name.
  • Compile.
  • Play Animation and notice nothing happens.

The above works if the Destination is set to Bone.
Am I implementing the Morph Target correctly? There is no online documentation for anything other than Bone.
I’ve tried this on a number of objects with the same result.

Hi TorusWayne,

I was able to reproduce this in 4.13, but the issue appears resolved in 4.14. Thanks for reporting this.