Editor command line to switch to start PIE


I’m preparing a little batch script for our QA guys so that when they get in:

  1. Perforce has been updated.
  2. The Unreal editor has been opened
  3. PIE has started.

The missing piece of the puzzle right now is a command line switch, or some other mechanism to start PIE after the Editor starts. Is there such a thing? There’s no mention in the docs:


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Hi Andrew,

The closest thing that we currently have is an -immersive command line argument that will launch the editor in immersive mode with PIE started. It looks like we already have a separate flag for starting PIE automatically, we just haven’t exposed it.

Take a look at EditorInit in UnrealEd.cpp and you should see that we pass two flags (bIsImmersive and bStartPIE) in to MainFrameModule.CreateDefaultMainFrame. Right now we are setting both of these based on the -immersive argument, but it should be pretty simple to check for a second argument and set bStartPIE independently. Let me know if that doesn’t work for you and I’ll take a look.

