What makes the top-down camera stay in world orientation?

I’m starting from the Top-Down starter game, but I’m replacing the walking guy with a small boat.
I’ve set up the same Character with a spring for the camera and an actual camera, and I re-use the game controller that looks for click locations and tells the player character to move there.

However, in the top-down game, the camera stays oriented in the same way, while the player turns to the target location.
In my version, the spring/camera seems rigidly attached to the character I built (the boat) and thus rotates with it.
I’ve compared the Character set-up and parameters between the “Hero” that comes with the starter game, and the character I set up, and I can’t find a difference.

What checkbox/relation/property did I miss that will let my camera behave like in the top-down starter game?

I found another answer that had the same concern, but the set-up was different – it used an input controller, not the navmesh based movement vector such as is used in the base template character (which is what I want to use – I don’t have a controller.) It also talks about a character capsule component, which I don’t see on the template MyCharacter, nor my own character.

Neither spring, camera, nor character have the “use controller yaw” checkbox set.
Note that orienting the camera itself is probably not right, because I want the spring to always orient in a particular world-space direction, independent of the mesh/pawn orientation.

Camera setup:

Spring setup:

Top-level defaults:
(forum won’t let me add another screen shot)

Can I see your component setup for your character.

Try toggling the value of ‘Use Controller Rotation’ in your camera’s properties.

In SpringArm settings, have you set Relative Rotation or Absolute Rotation?
It should be Absolute Rotation.

You can switch between the two by clicking the ‘Rotate’ label.

That was it. Wow, was that hard to discover! Wouldn’t have done it without your help.

Glad it worked out for you!

If the issue is solved, please mark it as solved. This will help others who might have similar issue

I don’t have that absolute rotation…can someone help?Please?(version 4.11.1.)

For the record: In the group “Transformation” you can click the 3 names (Location, Rotation, Scale) and get 2 options: relative and world. world=absolute.