UMG Rolling Credits Problem

Hello! I am currently working on a rolling credits screen for our game and I’ve run into a bit of an issue with UMG that I haven’t been able to find a solution to. The credits screen consists of two widgets: a) a widget that contains the background image, back button, logos, and the second widget; b) a widget that will contain all of the credit text. The second widget uses an animation to scroll from bottom up. The issue is that the credit text gets cut off at the point shown in the first image not displaying the rest of the text, despite being much longer as shown in the second image. It would make life a lot easier if I could just create the singular credits widget, otherwise I would have to make a bunch of separate widgets and fade them in and out manually in a blueprint.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks for your time.

I found a solution that worked well for me, so I’m sharing it here for anyone else that comes across this problem. I added a Scroll Box to the Credits Screen Widget seen in the first image above and added the second widget as a child of the Scroll Box. Then I added a small snippet of blueprint to automatically scroll the text when the widget is created. See the attached image for the blueprint.

This required me to adjust the Credits Text Widget to get the desired effect I wanted, but it is working and I like the way it looks so I’m sticking to it.

Thank you for sharing!

This is a clever way of solving the problem!! :smiley: