How do I change the default mobile Thumbstick input to Left + Right DPad?


I’m not sure it’s clear in the title, but basically I’m attempting to create a mobile game which is a 2D Side Scroller.
My goal is to have the player navigate the level using 3 buttons:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Jump

I’ve added the Jump button through a HUD and it’s working fine, but I can’t wrap my head around how the TouchInput system works. Can anyone explain to me how I’d change the Thumbsticks into buttons?
I’ve tried doing the buttons on a HUD but if I press left and then drag to right, the character will keep moving left. I have to lift up the finger and press down on right.

Thanks in advance!


I mean, swapping the Thumbstick for the controls displayed on the lower part of the picture:

This is an example of what I’m trying to do

Still need help with this :confused:

if someone still needs gelps on this go to there:

if it’s not working here are my bp: