Custom material instance tooltip on material function parameters


We want to have custom tooltip on the parameters we put inside a Material Function graph, because we use them heavily in our project. Right now, if a parameter is not inside the material graph itself, the tooltip keep showing “Parameter Value” and not the one we wrote in the description of the parameter. It would be very useful for the usability of our materials to be able to use these custom tooltip.

Any workaround?


Has there been any update on this? Our materials are getting large enough that it is becoming necessary to put parameters in functions, yet parameters in functions still do not display tool-tips correctly, as described above.

For me it seem to work in 4.16.3!

Apparently, it is fixed in 4.16.3. Thanks Fbouthiller :slight_smile:

Bump, still an issue in 4.18!

For me (4.17.2) it seems like scalar parameters and static switch parameters gets tooltips correctly, but not vector parameters.