Lighting Build Failed. Swarm Failed to Kick off

I have 4.13.1 built from source.

On my project as well as new project with only starter files it will fail to build lighting. States swarm failed to kick off.

I’ve seen a few suggestions such as:

restart editor… check

restart computer… check

try with starter files… check

now to: recompile lightmass… how?

So what is next step. I downloaded source and built it a few days prior. Should I try to download it all again and rebuild in VS?

A bit of a newbie here so could use some direction. I can try this out myself and waste a lot of time or get some guidance from this community, so am choosing the latter.

Thanks in advance!

I am answering my own question. When building from source it appears you have to independently build additional components of the engine. I opened up the UE4 file in VS and scrolled down through the programs until I found lightmass. Then I rebuilt and lighting was a success.