Why is my reflection capture sphere strength weak?

Hey all… need some help here… I’m trying to figure out why when I use a specified cubemap on my reflection capture spheres the strength/influence is super small compared to when I capture the scene.
Basically, I want to use a designated cubemap for an entire area but the influence is really weak compared to the captured scene setting. Shouldn’t these be the same strength?

Hi Drew,

Sphere reflection captures set to capture scene will essentially capture all of the static meshes within a certain range then map that over top of the skylight reflection environment.

This means that if you surround the sphere capture with static meshes (a hallway in this case) the reflection environment from the skylight will be completely overlapped. If you specify a cube map, this is blended with the skylight reflection based off either the intensity of the skylight OR the brightness of the reflection capture.

In other words a very dim skylight will be overpowered by a bright reflection capture and vice a versa. Also, the overall brightness of the source texture is taken into account as well. A very bright HDRI texutre will overpower a darker one.

Hope that helps,
