Accessed none trying to read property SplinePath

Hello everyone!

I’m getting an accessed none error from my blueprints, with SplinePath being an actor reference and linked to an actor with a spline path component. I am trying to get my player to follow a specified path that curves some. On entering play mode, my character does move to the beginning of the spline path, but still gives me an error :? I really dont understand why I’m getting this and would appreciate any help towards the right direction :). Here are some screenshots, they might be able to explain better than I can.

it looks normal to me, but something is causing your spline to be null for some reason. are you clearing it somewhere else, maybe in your construction script? Also please post a screenshot of your entire blueprint not just a small section of it.

Thank you for replying night watcher!! I hadn’t put anything into the construction scripts, but you helped me look harder and find the root issue! For anyone having a similar problem later down the line, what caused the accessed none in my case was that I had my BP character dropped into the level, and my game mode was set to spawn my BP character by default (you can change this by clicking game mode, and checking the world settings panel on the right of the editor). For me just switched the game mode player to none, as I like to see my character whether the game is on or not.

But anyways, the game mode’s player that spawned was a duplicate character, but it did not select the spline actor setting in the editor panel - hence the accessed none error.

Thanks for your time Night Watcher, everything is working as expected now!
Hope this might help another noob like me out there later :).

You’re welcome, glad I could help :slight_smile:

Hello guys, i have the same Error description: “Accessed None trying to read property ShushanTor1Animation”

I want to play an animation from a MatineeActor in my DefaultPawnClass. For that i need to get the Matinee from the persistent level. I created a variable from type MatineeActorRef and set it in the level blueprint in the begin play event. When the animation should start i get the named Error from above.
Do you know how to solve this?

try rename the property

to me this is only happening when switching between two levels through bleuprints (after the game is already running). i tried setting the default gamemode and overide gamemode, but still get the error