Cant jump on falling actor? help!

I’m currently working on a test where my box actors are falling onto a box trigger that teleport’s them above to fall again so i run and jump across the falling box’s. But when i jump onto the falling box i cant re-jump, i’m guessing because it assumes i’m still falling (technically i am) because i’m on an box actor that’s also falling.
Any Idea’s for a work around?
Please and Thanks!

Hello KH1212,

I tested your same setup myself and it seems like with default settings, especially if you’re not using any linear dampening for the falling box, it’s not that the jump isn’t happening, it’s just that the velocity added by the jump isn’t enough to offset the negative Z velocity your character is already being affected by. Try setting the linear dampening of your falling box to 2.0 or changing the character’s Jumping Z Velocity to 1200 from the default 600 (default for ThirdPersonCharacter at least) and see if that makes a difference.

Thanks! That worked! :slight_smile: