Retargeting animation, problems with scale

So I did a retarget in my mesh to be able to use the animations from the Animation Starter Pack, but for some reason when I play the animation my character change its scale.
Note: changing the advanced options on the skelton tree won’t work.

Hi guivmc,

Can you try adjusting your Translation Retargetting settings for your mesh? You’ll need to check “Show Advanced Options” to see them.

See Here:

I am having the same problem. It looks pretty much exactly like in that screenshot. Almost every bone becomes so small that it’s invisible. Only hands and toes are still there. I think I tried all possible retargeting settings without any effect at all. Even when I set every bone of the targeted to “” the same thing is happening. The way I understand it, only rotation should be applied though.

The approximate size (when viewing the broken anim) shown on screen is -1073741824x -1073741824x -1073741824x …

I am missing a spine-bone though, because my target only has two. Setting the same bone twice causes a crash on retargeting, so I left spine_02 empty.

I think I found a probable cause for the issue. After editing the model in blender and importing it into UE, the root-bone has a scale of 100. I have no idea why. Scaling of the corresponding object in blender is 1. It’s actually the parent of the whole armature-object, not originally a bone. But since UE imports it as a bone, I named it “root” and made “hips” the root of the armature.

Trying to edit the scale results in broken values. Setting them to 1,1,1 is simply impossible. I tried changing the import scale to 0.01, but then the editor freezes on importing. Import scale 100 is not a problem… But having root-bone scale 10000 is not helping much. Next I tried exporting from blender with 0.01 scale-modifier. That causes a freeze on importing as well! What the hell?.. Does UE have some kind of problem with normally scaled root-bones?

When viewing the broken retargeted animation and browsing the bone list, it shows that most scales are 1, but some are 100 or some very small value below 1. So my best guess is that the root-scale of 100,100,100 causes the problems. How can I fix this?

Hey MaxPower42,

Apologies for the delay in response. The 100 scale root bone is an issue that a lot of other people have had to work around and it usually revolves around the scene in Blender being set to the wrong units. I’m not an expert with Blender, but I know we’ve had people run into this in the past.

You’ll need to model and export everything in the same units and use the same scale. The fbx that blender creates when trying to scale things on export really screws with it when importing to the engine. Check out the un-accepted answer here.

I guess you would have solved your issues but if you hadn’t done it, I will explain how successfully tackled my own situation. In my case, my model import was originated from 3Ds max. When I retargeted it, the results were horrible. My mesh would become into a freaking giant monster. Without understanding what was happening, I reviewed tons of documentation and tutorials. The search was futile.

After I try to reimport in a thousand times, I discovered where it was the root of the mistake finally. In my case, it was enough to unchecked the option for the units setup in the moment to import my .fbx directly from my 3D software. By default, 3Ds max is set in inches. I simply chose to centimeters. Despite I always checked the option into UE4 to import my mesh as “Convert Scene Units”, it seemed doesn’t work properly. However, by changing this option from my 3D program, it worked perfectly. Now, my model is again normal and the monster has vanished.

I hope that I was able to help in some way.

May the luck be with you!

As for me, I had to edit the “import uniform scale” value when importing the of the animation I wanted to retarget. My character proportions were more or less correct when using 2.65 as value for this parameter