Demo: will i have to pay for a demo release?

Hi, i have a idea for a game which, personally, i think it will be great. I came here from some of the great games that Unreal Engine has supported for. So i thought that i could make my game here :)!!! I didn’t download Unreal Engine yet because i read that you had to pay 5% fee for a game. so i had in mind a worrying question… ( Just to clarify, i am a teenager so i don’t have any money on me…) Will i have to pay for a Demo release even thought it isn’t the full game??? I was planning it to be on Gamejolt so people can see it but if i have to pay my dreams will be crushed :,( so i want to know the truth and do i need to pay or not???

Thanks for reading, apologize for my bad English, i hope for some answer near the future!!!

Would the demo be free or would the demo be paid?