Equal(Object) node not returning true for the same object in AnimGraph

In my Anim EventGraph I use a comparison node to check the weapon type being equipped against the Pistol blueprint reference that I created for my weapon system. I reference the current equipped weapon through my inventory manager component’s Get Current Weapon function which returns the both the Weapon type reference of whatever weapon is being equipped and a bool for whether a weapon is being equipped in the first place. Oddly, when I use an Equal(object) node to check the returned weapon object (which is the Pistol blueprint when I equip the Pistol) against the Pistol blueprint (selected in the node’s asset browser), it doesn’t return true so my animation can’t play. I’ve checked whether it really is the Pistol blueprint passing through by printing the blueprint name in a string after the comparison and it is the Pistol blueprint that’s being returned.

If I have to go into the source code that’s fine just a little explanation or hint at where to look would be great.

