Runtime Mount PakFile

We had plugin that download chunk1 to doc folder in IOS, when it ready we mount it by

bMount = FCoreDelegates::OnMountPak.Execute(pakFilePath, 3, nullptr);

And it mounts well, i saw there was a files by this func (= in IPlatformFIlePak.cpp
bool FPakPlatformFile::HandleMountPakDelegate(const FString& PakFilePath, uint32 PakOrder,

IPlatformFile::FDirectoryVisitor* Visitor)

	bool bReturn = Mount(*PakFilePath, PakOrder);

	if (bReturn)// && Visitor != nullptr)
		TArray<FPakListEntry> Paks;
		// Find the single pak we just mounted
		for (auto Pak : Paks)
			if (PakFilePath == Pak.PakFile->GetFilename())
				// Get a list of all of the files in the pak
				for (FPakFile::FFileIterator It(*Pak.PakFile); It; ++It)
					//Visitor->Visit(*It.Filename(), false);
					UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT("Filename %s in Pak %s"), *It.Filename(), *Pak.PakFile->GetFilename());
				return true;
	return bReturn;

But we cant load anything from this pak, whe i fully reload app, plugin mount chunk1 at startup cuz it exist, and all work. =\

So what i do wrong?

So i get, i can load files by StaticLoadObject, but i need to reload Packages that are loaded as NULL cuz they dont exist at start map. How can i dot that? I try do it with Visitor when mount Chunk, but its never reach to Package Reseted!

	class FPakDirVisitor : public IPlatformFile::FDirectoryVisitor

		virtual bool Visit(const TCHAR* Filename, bool bIsDirectory)
			if (!bIsDirectory)
				FString GamePath = FPackageName::PackageFromPath(Filename);
// 				FString GamePath(Filename);
// 				GamePath.RemoveFromEnd(TEXT(".uasset"));
				FString RelativePath = TEXT("/Game/") + GamePath;
				//FName ObjectName = FName(*RelativePath);

				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("FileName is %s         Path %s"), *GamePath, *RelativePath);
				UPackage *Tmp = NULL;
				Tmp = FindObject<UPackage>(NULL, *RelativePath);
				if (Tmp)
					//Reset Package
					Tmp->bHasBeenFullyLoaded = false;

					UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Package Reseted!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,"));


			return true;

I need to reload all resources in game, how can i do that?

Solved, there was singleton which helds resources(Blueprints) in memory.

Can you please explain more details. I need to mount a pak file at runtime as well .and, is there any git on this?