The question about NavMesh

In order to make AI follow Character we have to place NavMeshBoundsVolume in the pre-designed level, but what if my level wasn’t pre-designed? What if I have a Blueprint that on Event BeginPlay spawns random Rooms (BlueprintClass) in random places (like the Binding of Isaac games) in the level. How can I make AI follow my Character in that case?

I don’t know if that will work, but you can go to project settings and under Navigation Mesh set it to dynamic instead to static, so the NavMesh will update in the level automatically. If you spawn rooms, try to spawn them near the center of your level so that you can create a big NavMeshBounds Volume so that every Mesh is inside and the NavData is updating its walkable areas.

Yeah, you were right, setting NavMesh to dynamic has worked! Thank you very much!