Add SCompoundWidget to UUserWidget

I have a UMG widget I setup so the artist can move elements around and change the look of the UI, and I’m using Slate to add text to the UI dynamically when needed, and hopefully cache commonly used variables. I’m successfully able to find the desired element of the UUserWidget, but I can’t figure out how to convert my SCompoundWidget to a UWidget.

void UCollectiblesUI::AddItemToUI(FText ItemName)
	ItemToAdd = ItemName;
	if(UVerticalBox *vb = Cast<UVerticalBox>(GetWidgetFromName("VerticalBox_196")))
		TSharedPtr<SItemName> i = SNew(SItemName).textName(ItemToAdd);

How would I go about converting an SCompoundWidget to a UWidget?

Just wrap your SCompoundWidget with a UWidget, and use that.