"Get Play Length" returns incorrect value

Here is the story.
I want the character play attack anim , and the attack rate can be changed in runtime(ie.you use an item that can temporarily increase your attack rate) , so the paly rate of the attack anim must be calculated dynamicly.
the attack rate is in “hit/second”.So the rate should be (attack anim length)/(1/(attack rate)) , actually it equals to (attack anim lenth) * (attack rate).
the attack anim is stored in a “Anim Squence” variable , in the event graph I use the “Get Play Length” Node to get its length.
In the attack to idle transion in animation state machine , I check two things :1 .Did the attack anim is almost finished. 2 . Is the player still press attacking button.Like this:

Here comes the error: the charater plays the attack anim twice when I press the attack button once.If I just check "Is the player still pressing the attack button" , it will play the anim once and stop at the beginning of the second time.
I think the problem is clear now: the anim is played a bit of faster , so the anim finished playing before a logic attack finishes , it will try to play the second time because I set the anim to loop.So I suspect that the return value of the "Get Play Length" Node is bigger than the correct value.
Have you encountered a similar problem? How you get the correct time of an anim squence? The engine version is 4.12 
Thank you!