Why does my package fail when building for android?

I have installed Nividea Codeworks and all android SDK and NDK for some reason my game continues to fail when packaging

Here is the log file

[link text][1]

111120-sunnythesunflower.log (37.6 KB)


Please disable any plugins in your project and try to package your project again. If that does not work, please upload your Android SDK settings as a screenshot and provide your newest logs as well.


Hey XxDANitxX,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you!

I am sorry for no response my laptop has had some recent issues and I have just managed to get it up and running again. After disabling all plugins it still did not work. Would you like a screen shot of the SDK Manager for android or is there a different Android SDK settings screen shot you would like.

please keep this as answered for now. My Memory on my laptop is shot so I will not be able to work with this project until I get a new laptop Thank you for your help

You’re welcome. Please let us know when you’re able to continue with this question.
