Importing .fbx from blender and having bone skeleton work properly

So I’ve been messing around with blender and ran into some issues that I can’t seem to get around, I’ve watched video after video and trolled through the forums looking for an answer and can’t find one, which leads me to believe it might just be something I’m doing wrong… :’( Anyhow, the problem I’m having is that when I create my mesh in blender, setup an Armature with bones, I can export it to a fbx, import it into ue4 with everything working: It imports my mesh properly, creates a physicsasset and a skeleton. However whenever I try simulating physics on it… well it goes fu***ng bonkers, the mesh freaks out all over the places xD The video will be [here][1], it’s about a 30 second video and explains it pretty well…
I’ll also upload the .fbx if anyone would like to jump into blender and see what I did wrong on the Armature, if that’s the problem :smiley: Some screenshots of the Armature are available as well, cheers for any help!

Link to .fbx: Google Drive: Sign-in

Problem solved, for anyone who would like to know how to fix this, the solution simply put… Don’t use the physics asset UE4 creates on import, create a custom one, delete all bodies then build it manually, problem solved. Video here