Show AdBanner not showing ads

What I have tried so far:

Followed an Android Studio tutorial that would show ads in my phone, which worked

Went to UE4, new c++ project, 4.12.5, Filled in all the android requirements (BILLING, used the dummy id from the working ads , etc)

Added a delay and show ad banner.

Looking at several posts, I changed the code in android manifest.xml to get the right dependencies should the device be android.

Build the game for my phone.

Nothing shows up. Not a box, not anything. Since I did not messed in the engine’s code, it should work right? Since Im using an engine’s blueprint and a AdmobID which I have checked with my Android Studio app and its working fine, just not in my UE4 app.

Can anyone point me to anything I might be doing wrong? I also used the addtestdevice (got my device ID from adb devices), but don’t get anything.

In my Logcat I always get AdvertisingProvider called with a module name of none. Many thanks in advance.


If you go to Project Settings > Platforms - Android > Play Services, you should see a section for Ad Mob Ad Unit ID. Here is some [documentation][1] that should help.

  • Have you tested in 4.13.1?
  • Are you using a binary or source build?
  • Do you have any logs?

Using Ad Mob for In-Game Ads on Android with Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

Hello , I have used the Adbox plugin instead which works fine. Thank you for the help anyway.