MultiTouch (4.14, github source, windows platform)

If you’re curious on how to get this working, see: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-19347)

So, based on this new feature (so excited), I have noticed a few bugs, or probably bugs.

First off, the finger index coming across the EventTouch event, its offset by 1. Meaning the first finger i touch down, is always touch2, The second finger is touch3, and so forth. Now i don’t know if this is intended, or not, this however i can work around just fine.

Another bug that i have noticed is that sometimes, randomly, on play from editor, (i havent been able to test enough from a launched build), the finger index coming across the EventTouch is then offset by 5. So your first finger is actually touch6. This is persistent until you restart the editor.

Hey FanaticNinja,

Can you show me or describe to me your setup? As in, are you using Blueprint or C++? If you are using Blueprint, can you take a screenshot of how it is setup. If you are using C++, can you paste a code snippet?

Also, what device are you using to test the input?


Yes it is blueprints. Here is a fresh project with a setup that does the same as described above.

I have tested these on 3 different monitors, all Elo Monitors. I have yet to try this on my SurfacePro 3.

Hey ,

I was able to reproduce the issue and have submitted a issue for it. You can follow it here:



I have the same index offset issue with c++ implementation. When I bind touch event with UInputComponent::BindTouch() I receive ETouchIndex::Touch2 instead of ETouchIndex::Touch1 on the first touch input.

But I notice that I don’t have this offset issue if I override APlayerController::InputTouch() to receive touch input. The “Handle” value for the first touch input is 0 which is what I expect.

I just want to make sure that you are aware that the index offset occur with c++ implementation when using UInputComponent::BindTouch().
This issue occur on 4.14 preview 3 with Windows10.

Maybe I should open another thread for this question but since this is a little relate I would like to know why you have limited the number of touch input that can be receive at the same time to 10. We actually working with a 55" TV that is able to receive up to 60 input at the same and this limitation will not allow us to use this TV at it full potential.
