Trouble understanding Sound Cue Concurrency Settings

So I’m painting a large map with tons of BP’ed spheres that plays a sound cue.

Now pre 4.9 it was that if walked out of an audio component’s max radius it would turn off the AC and it wouldn’t take up a virtual voice count. Now it simply reduces the volume to 0 and the AC keeps playing.

So i’m running a test. In the SC I over rode the Concurrency settings. Max Count 1, Limit to Owner.

Now I put 8 of these Blue Printed spheres in a test map, and I can hear all 8… how is it possible? Am I not understanding how these settings work or mean? When you have a Sound Cue with Max Concurrency 1, doesn’t it mean that that SC can only be played once at a time ingame?

Thanks so much in advance.

When you override, you’re setting it to a concurrency per that instance. There’s no way to share the grouping of the override. The old way concurrency worked is that it limited concurrency per sound-cue instance. By overriding, you’re recovering that behavior (for backwards compatibility really). The point is that if you want multiple different sound cues to limit themselves as a group, you need to use a concurrency asset/object for all those sound cues.

Thank you so much Kelvin… I will admit, i’m not sure how to do what you suggested, and my googling efforts provided nothing useful. Can I please bother you to give me an example on how I can do this?

I discovered I am able to create a Sound Concurrency item, but I imagine this is much like a Sound Class. A collection of parameters that I can quickly plug into Sound Cues to have a desired global effect.

How can I create an object that will control different sound cues?

I discovered I am able to create a
Sound Concurrency item, but I imagine
this is much like a Sound Class. A
collection of parameters that I can
quickly plug into Sound Cues to have a
desired global effect.

That’s all you need. Just specify the concurrency on the sound cue in the same way you do for sound classes. Sounds will automatically limit themselves as a group once you’ve set the same concurrency on them.