Spline 2.5D side-scroller platform collisions

Hi everybody

Was following these tutorials/topics:

My problem is that when my character, walking along a path made by a spline, encounter an obstacle it pass through this one, sometimes falling over the ground, or simply climb over.

I tried to rebuild collision mesh of both BSP brush and static mesh but i got the same result, plus sometime it seems to get blocked for few moments than teleport on the side and suddenly climb over it.

Was reading this post hoping for a solution Collision with movement along Spline - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums but i get collision as well my character climb a ladder.

Now i’m using blocking volumes: when a hit event occurs i check if the object is “blocking volume” type then i try to manage it but, for now, my character get stuck into. Hope in the near future i will get a soultion,

My question:

  • Is possible, using splines as path, to have a “clean block” like in ue4 sidescroller template or 3d platform template? I mean when i hit a wall in sidescroll my character block totaly, in 3d platform it continue the walk animation only.

Solved on my own by using blocking volumes.

Could you share how you used blocking volumes to solve this? I am struggling with a similar problem