Modules recompile in debug configuration after adding a plugin

I usually added editor plugins then no problems.
This time, I added a run-time plugin in my project(not in engine plugins).

In that plugin, I created MyTextBlock subclassing TextBlock. it works well.
But, .h/cpp addition or generateVSProjectfiles respectively to the plugin and my project cause a lot of module’s re-compilation in debug configuration.

Why is this happening? It doesn’t happens in other configurations.
It only happens in debug configuration.

28>  Creating makefile for DodgeGameEditor (project files are newer)
28>  Target is up to date
29>  Performing full C++ include scan (building a new target)
29>  Creating makefile for UE4Editor (project files are newer)
29>  Performing 240 actions (4 in parallel)
29>  Module.CinematicCamera.cpp
29>  UMG.generated.cpp
29>  Module.UMG.cpp