4.1.1 crash when using AI Move in a service

This error seems to happen when i have several AI’s on the field moving at a single target. Is there anything else i can provide with this bug report?

d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.1\engine\source\runtime\core\public\templates\DelegateSignatureImpl.inl(1961): Ensure condition failed: this->IsBound()
Unable to bind delegate to ‘&UKismetAIAsyncTaskProxy::OnMoveCompleted’ (function might not be marked as a UFUNCTION)
UE4Editor.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

Well, that’s terrible :slight_smile:

First of all, conceptually, you should not make AI move anywhere from within a service. I mean, why would you not use a regular BT task for it? A service is meant to be a kind of background… well… service :slight_smile: that ticks with a specified frequency. If you want AI’s target to be updated on a regular basis have a Service that writes to the blackboard and have a move task that utilizes this data.

Regardless, engine crashing is bad :slight_smile: And the reason it’s crashing here is that you’re using and old and unmaintenanced “feature” that we forgot to hide :slight_smile: Do not use the AI move to blueprint node. BTTask_MoveTo is your best pick if you’re using BTs, and MoveToActor or MoveToLocation if just using blueprints.



Yeah I had that at first but I though that the rate that it detected the player was delayed by the move to. I was unsure if the move to command had to finish before it would allow the AI to move to the newly detected target. When being chased by the AI the AI would stop at the last detected location for the enemy then venture to the enemy’s new location. I changed this from location to object and it worked better. Thanks for the info.