Networked Game: Client input not registered in standalone mode

I am currently working on making a networked game using mainly blueprints, and have run into an interesting issue. When i test the game in editor, using PIE, everything works as I would expect. But once I use standalone mode, or uncheck “use single process”, or run the packaged version of the game, only the host can move around. The host’s position and actions are replicated to all the clients properly, and the host can also interact with the other clients, but the clients cannot move at all, and when I try to print out their input axes, they are all 0. I’m trying to figure out if there is something wrong with the way I am moving the player, or if it is something having to do with the player not connecting to the session properly.

This is the blueprint I use to move the player:

Turns out the answer was something pretty stupid! I had to set the input mode to Game Only! I had already done this for the host game function, but I forgot to put it in after the player joined the session.