Blend animations for non-character

Hey all,

So if you have a skeletal mesh that is not a character - a construction crane for example - and you want to be able to blend between different animations, do you still do this through an animation blueprint? How does one go about triggering the different animations? For example, if I have turn, lift, drop, etc.

All of the tutorials I can find on animation blending are for characters and they usually use movement to drive the blends (idle, walk, run).


Anyone? Do I still use an anim blueprint?

I’m not quite sure but I don’t think I would use a blend space because there really is not ‘combination’ of animations. What I mean by that is the turn is visualized at the base, the lift is seen at the rope down from the crane, drop is the crane etc. So each animation of the construction crane are all separate from each other as opposed to a character where the animation for idle uses the whole body and the animation for walk used the whole body so it needs a blend to transition between the two. I would use a state machine in which you connect the key presses to variables in the animation blueprint. You will have to break the animation skeleton controls.

This videos shows how to separate animation into parts.

Depending on exactly how you want it to look and functionality if it, you could also go about it with just blueprint controls.

Hey Nken, thanks for the reply. Actually, I’m not using a crane, it was just the first object that came to mind for something that’s a non-character object. Really what I’m looking for is an answer as to whether or not it’s possible to blend animations for non-character skeletal meshes and if you would do this with an anim blueprint or not. Apologies for the confusion. I should also say that it wouldn’t be for something that the player controls either.

Is there no way to blend animations outside of the animblueprint?