Array of actors generated in OnConstruction


I have an actor (a c++ class) which places random stuff to a map.

In construction method I call World->SpawnActor to generate objects. Than, I store pointers of the generated objects in an array so that I can remove them whenever construction method called again:

void ALevelGeneratorActor::OnConstruction(const FTransform& Transform)

void ALevelGeneratorActor::SpawnNewActors()
    SpawnedActor* Actor = World->SpawnActor<SpawnedActor>(...);

void ALevelGeneratorActor::DeleteOldActors()
    for (auto* Actor : SpawnedActors) {

This works fine while editing and playing.
However, when I save the project and than reload a map, generated objects are still present while SpawnedActors array is empty. Thus, running construction script again will not destroy old actors.

Now, I have feeling that I do it wrong. The question is, how do I spawn random actors at editing time ritht and/or how do I reconstruct SpawnedActors array after level reload?

(note that I cant spawn those actors in OnBeginPlay because those spawned actors affect navmesh and lighting so I need them in editor).