How do I blend between animations?

I have two animation states, one for full character IK and one for a reaction animation. I’d like to blend between reaction animation and IK state by some float. Right now only way I can think to do it is by duplicating all IK code from IK state and placing it in reaction state with a blend.

Id rather not duplicate that code, so I was wondering if there was a way to make a macro graph for animations (which has an animation pose input and output).

I was also wondering if there was a way to blend between two animation states without specifically transitioning between them?

Thanks for help.

Hey Heisenburger,

I think what you might be looking for is Blend Spaces, which you can read up on here:

If that’s not what you need, let us know!

This seems useful for blending between simple animation assets, but it doesn’t seem like I can drag my complex IK pose state/graph in as a point in blendspace. Is that correct?