ProceeduralMeshComponent doesn't save/serialise

Hi, I integrated procedural mesh slicing into my game but then found that after a SaveAll and restarting the editor all references to the procedural mesh component (such as, in function inputs etc) has changed to generic object reference, all BP casts to procedural mesh component had turned to “Bad Cast” and the component itself has disappeared from the actor I placed it on. It seems 4.13.1 doesn’t know how to save/serialise the ProceduralMeshComponent, it’s like it stops existing every time the editor is rebooted

Again to clarify this problem is
Engine 4.13.1
Blueprint only

Please fix and allow for blueprint ProceeduralMeshComponent nodes and components to save, thank you.

Hi Mittens,

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • What steps can I take to reproduce this error on my end?
  • Do you have any circular references in your project that could be causing this to occur?
  • Can you show me a screenshot of your blueprint setup?

Hi Mittens,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.

Hi ,
This doesn’t happen in a clean 4.13.1 project.
It seems the issue has arisen in our project because it’s been ported from back in 4.8 through to 4.13.1
The error we get when loading the project is “can’t find file for asset ProceduralMeshComponent” and after opening, all references to ProceduralMeshComponent will be broken. There are no circular references, the blueprint is pretty strait-forward. I have even attempted having much less going on and the error still occurs. Everything works fine until I close and re-open the project, you can see it working herewww…com/watch?v=d8rjOvWfg8A

Hi , This doesn’t happen in a clean 4.13.1 project. It seems the issue has arisen in our project because it’s been ported from back in 4.8 through to 4.13.1 The error we get when loading the project is “can’t find file for asset ProceduralMeshComponent” and after opening, all references to ProceduralMeshComponent will be broken. There are no circular references, the blueprint is pretty strait-forward. I have even attempted having much less going on and the error still occurs. Everything works fine until I close and re-open the project, you can see it working herewww…com/watch?v=d8rjOvWfg8A

Hi Mittens,

When you updated your project, did you update it one version at a time or did you jump multiple versions at once? Additionally, have you checked to see if any of the relevant nodes have changed and need to be replaced with newer versions or different nodes?

We havent done any work with proceedural meshes until after moving to 4.13 so all the nodes are fresh. Ive had to reconstruct the BP many times because of the issue.
I believe the migrations were incremental as recommended.

Do you have a sample project I can take a look at to see if I can reproduce this on my end?

Apparently the problem does occur in a clean project, you just need to select a C++ source project, not a blueprint project. Somehow it will work in a fresh blueprint only project but not c++.
The bug is still there, the plugin is setup wrong to load at the wrong phase. It’s currently set to Loading Phase = Default, it needs to be Loading Phase Pre-Default in order to work. You can see this in the project file for the plugin ‘ProceeduralMeshComponent.uplugin’

Hello Mittens,

Is there a particular blueprint setup related to having the Procedural Mesh component that reproduces the problem you’re seeing? I’ve tried things related to the screenshot you provided in a fresh C++ project, such as having a function that takes a Procedural Mesh Component as an input and setting it to the In Proc Mesh of a Slice Procedural Mesh node, but I’m not seeing any issues.

I would like to get this bug entered so we can get it fixed for you, but I’m going to need some sort of reproduction to do so.